November 22, 2010

To all my net friends and perhaps even Lao Tse

Today it is one years since I sat in a newly opened Sushi bar trying to read Lao Tse for the first time ever. The text was in English and I only had my old Ericsson P1 mobile.

The meal was great but I had problems with the text. Then I am not only referring to the mobile interface - I mean the content too. Considering how the old feudal China was organized those texts must have been a great drug to keep the peasants silent and obedient. And that perspective did not go well with a lunch meal. Besides it was my first Lao Tse experience ever - in English too. Just to understand the language was a challenge enough.

Anyhow I went to that sushi bar today since I love sushi and the weather was typical Swedish winter – snow & rain in a really sad mixture. It is just 30 meters walk to that bar so it was very convenient a day like this one.The soup was great as always. I have recently extended my Mama sushi menu to include raw fish and this time the tuna fish tasted well too. I felt good as always after a sushi. But this place also always makes me very thoughtful...a bit melancholic too...

I saw the melting snow outside and the steamy window - a sight really fitting my internal mode. I took the picture on top of this post and when I checked it up on my iPhone I saw the hidden motive someone had drawn at the window. A coincidence probably but combined with what I was thinking about – perhaps not. It felt like one more synchronicity happening this fall.

Anyhow – I want to send my love and best wishes to all my net friends and x-net friends. I hope you all are well.

Some I know I will be in touch with for a very long time. They have already proven they have the qualities to be friends “for ever”

Some are quite new and still open cards
Some I never will meet again 
Some I probably would prefer to flush down the toilet or at least spank verbally for a few weeks
Some I will stumble over at other forums and social websites or perhaps even "live"
Some are lost for ever 
Some are actually new for today

Anyhow – I am "here" if anyone wants me anything some day
I accept whatever path you chose to take in your life
Be in touch whenever and if you feel for it

Lots of love to all of you!

Now I have to hurry – lunch blogging is over. Lots of work to do in my current project. I will probably get back Lao Tse one other day. But preferably in Swedish then and at least on my iPhone.

It has to be fun, or else we cannot make it

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes wish the Lao Tse texts could give me some comfort. They are so beautiful - I want to be consumed by them. But since I do not know the purpose they once had - I cannot enjoy them and simply make my own context for them. I need to know the background first before I can make my own "creative" interpretation.
