September 14, 2011

Kommdagar 2011 - inspiration & storytelling

At 25-26 August 2011 there was a big conference at Hotel 11 - target group communicators & informers from all over Sweden working for different landsting (regions) all over Sweden. About 350 people was gathered for two days.

To me it was an amazing event giving much inspiration and lots of contacts. I really liked the lectures and of course the food. The highlights were the lecture in storytelling by Matts Heijbel and the following workshop. Imagine spending half the day with telling stories and how to use it in organizational culture and brand development.

Read more at storytelling blog (only Swedish)
And watch my colleague tell a story 

The ending session with my old twitter friend and journalist at GP Eva Wieslegren was just as great - only a bit shorter. She had prepared an excellent lecture about how health care may work in the future.

Second runner up was Per Svanström and his class in search engine optimizing. I have heard that class there times now but the content change since Google change the algorithms. I ask the same questions and get new answers every time. This time the answers was better than ever. Since Google adjust the results to the geolocation and habits of the user it is very hard to work with search optimizing. Your own computer gets trained to show better hit results than the rest of the world. Now there is a way to go round that problem.

Search engine optimizing class

It has to be fun, or else we cannot make it